Our Services
The Westminster Shorter Catechism opens with the important question, “What is the chief end of man?” and gives the extraordinary answer: “The chief end of man is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.”
Each of us was created for God’s glory, and so all of life is to be offered to Him as a perpetual act of worship. But the Scriptures also command us to render to God specific acts of worship as a local church. Worship may be defined as the loving response of men and of angels to God’s revelation of Himself that is expressed in adoration of who He is, thanksgiving for what He has done, and obedience to what He has said.
Lord’s Day Worship – Sunday mornings at 10:30 am
Our public worship of God each Lord’s Day is the central hub of our church’s life and ministry, and it has been said that our worship ought to be a mirror into which God can look and see His own perfections reflected back. For this reason, we order our weekly Lord’s Day services in accordance with the regulative principle of worship, acknowledging the sufficiency of God’s Word and rejecting the strange fire of men’s extra-biblical practices and traditions. Accordingly, our worship of God is centered upon the reading, preaching, and hearing of Holy Scripture. We devote considerable time to congregational prayer, led by the men of our church, and to the singing of God’s praises in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs using the Trinity Hymnal and the Trinity Psalter. We practice exclusive believer’s baptism and typically observe the Lord’s Supper on a monthly basis. It is our desire that our worship will be well pleasing to our God, that He will be glorified, and that we will be enabled to draw near to Him even as He draws near to us. May the statement of the Apostle John be our experience as well: “I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day” (Revelation 1:10a).
Midweek Service – Wednesday nights at 6:30 pm
Our church gathers each Wednesday night from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. for Bible study, prayer, and fellowship. The first midweek service of each month is devoted to an hour and a half long “Concert of Prayer,” which has proven to be a source of great encouragement to our members. The midweek service is always a precious time of fellowship, and it is a vital part of our church’s life.
Agape Feasts
Our congregation enjoys a monthly fellowship, usually on the last Lord’s Day afternoon of each month, called “Agape Feasts.” Our lunch is always a wonderful time of pursuing and receiving hospitality with the Body of Christ.